#H2H by @bryankramer

When writing about a social media personality as Bryan Kramer it make sense to have a headline with a Twitter feeling.

It started when I got an tweet from my friend @Kunal_Kemist in witch he sent me a link to an article by Bryan:

There Is No More B2B or B2C: There Is Only Human to Human (H2H)
Socialmediatoday.com, article by Bryan Kramer

It is an interesting article. Whats also interesting is that Kunal in that same tweet about the article wrote:

This is very reminiscent of Stefan Engeseth’s ONE concept.
Kunal Mukhopadhyay, @Kunal_Kemist

It more than sounds like it. I think Bryan and I have a lot in common, human 2 human.

Have to say its sad how slow the reality of business is moving forward, did start to write about ONE 1996. I hope the reality of business moving forward faster in the future, its good that Bryan and other social media experts are pushing marketers forward.