Rasmus Ankersen: Is Apple the next Nokia?

Its fascinating to finally see more than me blog about Apples weakness as in this blogpost: Is Apple the next Nokia? does Rasmus point out:

It’s just worth remembering that the way we look at Apple today, was exactly the same way we looked at Nokia in 2007, six months before the iPhone was launched.
Rasmus Ankersen, The goldmine effect

In my blogpost: 6 Ways Apple Becomes Prey for Sharks did I also point out Apples weakness. Now is Apple weakness floating on the surface. Soon perhaps we will see an attack on Apple from competition? Now is the time to attack Apple and win the loyalty from their fan tribe.

Thanks to sharp Ulrika Bergwall for sending me this post!

2 reaktioner på ”Rasmus Ankersen: Is Apple the next Nokia?”

  1. It would not surprise me. While I love Apple’s displays and some of their features, I’m not convinced there’s such a massive leadership, certainly not one that commands such premiums. As more people wake up to the fact that these are just tools, Apple needs to innovate in a new category to stay ahead.

  2. Good bites Jack, there brand is al about innovate but they move more back than forewards today. They need to update their leadership before they will start moving forward again. If not they will be shark food soon.

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