No idea to describe what WikiLeaks is or does. Instead I like to explain why I think WikiLeaks will get the Nobel Prize.
I think they could be as important as Napster was for the music industry. First the music industry complained and did not want to change anything. But now, after a long painful lesson, they finally have adapted into new formats as Spotify and other solutions.
To compare the music industry with the USA may sound disrespectful. But for decades USA has got the rest of the world to dance to their hit music and “hit” politics.
WikiLeaks will be the best ever change management tool for the world. Why? Because they will change USA which is the same as changing the world.
In a transparent world economic interest and politics grow together. Big business has become politics. The effect will be that politics and business need to change and therefore I think WikiLeaks will get the Nobel Prize in peace and economic category.
4 reaktioner på ”Why WikiLeaks will get the Nobel Prize”
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While I think Wikileaks was irresponsible at revealing sources that put some anti-Taliban Afghans’ lives at risk, this latest news about some red faces seems tiny by comparison. Yet this is the one that has captured the headlines, which goes to show how the embarrassed have their priorities all wrong. We have a choice as a human race now: to embrace transparency or to fight to retain the old ways. The establishment is certainly doing the latter out of fear—and Assange, even if he does come across as a bit of a dick, is proving an unlikely hero for many.
Jack, Thanks for good points. Yes changes is painful, hope it not will be deadly for does how got named in the reports. Transparency does come with a price. But the old ways always cost more.
The Russians stole your idea!
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