100 free copy of my new book: ONE- A consumer revolution for business

Finally my new book is printed. A book without good readers is no good book! That’s why I will give away 100 free copy of my next book (so you can spread and tell if you like the book). I pay for shipment and everything. So tell me why you should be ONE of the great readers of my next book?

Before you contact me read the first chapter of the book (so you can motivate, why you should be ONE of the 100 good readers).
Free download of first chapter: http://www.stefanengeseth.com/uploads/chapter_one.pdf
Feel FREE to send the link to your closest 1,000 friends!

Post your motivation on this blog and if you like send me an email here (including your postal information).

Looking forward to here from you.
Stefan Engeseth, Author of ONE

Update 22 April:
Thanks for al the great emails and spreading of the ONE book. SE

Update 17 June:
All the free books are been sent out. Thanks for al the great thanks mail from ONE reader.
Sorry to say that there are now more free books to send out, but here is your local bookshop that can provide your copies of ONE.