iPad: What’s the point?

When Steve Jobs demoing the iPad and says, look at this is it not incredible? And the only response he gets is quietness… they have some problem. Apple fans are loyal to it’s unique performance (they demand Apple to perform outstanding uniques). Why? Because Apple has created their fan-tribe by creating history. When Steve Jobs talks more about history than future is because his talking about loyalty. The problem is that without creating the future they will not grow their fan-tribe fast enough. Instead they should focusing more in how fans can help them to create Apple future (as with the iPhone Apps).

What’s the point? Buying an iPad?
1. It is only an adaption of smartphone and computers. But this devices is only one more devices to buy not to replace others (it is not yet good enough to replace a computer).
2. As an portable reader it is good enough, but by creating old behaviors “reading” and adaption to new digital devices is not creating any revolution. Kindle and all other solutions is nothing else than updating old behavior to new technology.
3. One big point with the iPad is that is an solution for al old behaviors (Internet is not so new anymore so new innovations is based more on history than the future).
4. The naming of iPad is since years an house project in Dubai (iPad house).
5. They nearly totally missed the point of connecting the online and offline world. Compare this with Google (how is not look in the business model of selling devices).
6.The pricing is starts at 499USD that is a good move to protecting market-shares from the copies that is coming out faster than Steve’s Keynote is ending.

Steve Jobs is an outstanding salesperson, watch how he sells iPod at his latest Key Note speech. Here is my favorite one-liners his speech:
“It’s a dream to type on.”
“Holding the internet in your hand.”
“Apple is a mobile devices company.”

Will I by an iPad? Maybe. Would Apple exist without Steve Jobs? No.

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