Recently I had the pleasure to be social offline with Guy Clapperton who is social media expert and often seen on the BBC. We met in Denmark where he was the Key note speaker at the Marketing Day 2012 (Markedsføringsdagen 2012). I also had the honor to be one of the speakers so I could spend time to interview Guy. It is always tricky to ask questions to an experienced journalist. We skipped all the usual superlatives about social media. Instead Guy pointed out some of the potential danger of using social media as a toy:
• We don’t think toys can be dangerous.
• People who are not aware or understand the effect of their online behavior are in the risk zone.
• We do not think about the information we give away as long as we get something back.
Guy often refered to the saying:
If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.
I would like to add that being a “toy product” in an information society has its risks and thinkers such as Guy Clapperton gives a healthy awareness in the potential risk with social media in a humble delivered speech.
PS: Also like to point out that the rest of the excellent seminar was about marketing potential with social media and that Guy delivered an inspirational speech with positive message about social media in a witty way.