From 1968 black-gloves to 2008 white-gloves

os_1968_gloves.jpgIt did take 40 years from 1968 OS black-gloves to 2008 change into white-gloves, and the man joining them on top of the winners’ stand is President Barack Obama.
Now it’s not more about what colors we have, it’s about how we can change the world. That is the reason for why we change the black-gloves to white-gloves in the classical picture. We hope that from now will black people how stands for this will have white-gloves and white people black gloves and the rest mix it up to show that the world is not about colors anymore its about change.

I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to – it belongs to you.
Barack Obama, Election Night 2008

Election Night Speech in Grant Park

2 reaktioner på ” From 1968 black-gloves to 2008 white-gloves”

  1. This win is just the beginning. STop the Iraq war. Bring home the money for infrastructure, green jobs, healthcare, education, and more. Obama got money from lobbyists,too.
    We have to show him the people are more powerful than the lobbyists and big corporations! We have to make certain that nancy pelosi is with us, now, or out she goes. Prosecute Bush and Cheney and Rumsfield and Rice, all of the criminals need to go to jail. Bring back the corporations from over seas. Bring back Halliburton and prosecute them, too. Cancel all contracts made by the Republicans and start again honestly!!! Shrink the military. Give women equal pay finally!!

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