- 13 februari 2006
Big pictures needs no frame
To see the big pictures, often means to be a part of the big picture. But after the Danish paintings we can see that now frames are local. This is also the case for...
Read More- 10 februari 2006
A design world
I and my friend Sergej (designer), did go to Stockholm Furniture Fair yesterday. It is interesting to see how designers interpret changes in the world in to art, fashion ore as in this case...
Read More- 8 februari 2006
Free download the first chapter of ONE
Finally here is Chapter 1 uncorrected galley proof of my next book “ONE – A Consumer Revolution for Business.” You have the permission to print, post and email the content of the first chapter...
Read More- 6 februari 2006
They don’t fake ABBA
The Swedish super band ABBA have fans allover the world. They have cover band playing there music like the Swedish band Waterlo. Yesterday I did meet Anni-Frid (Katja Nord). She told me that they...
Read More- 5 februari 2006
Listen to Jim Collins in how to “stop doing”
Listen to Jim Collins in how to “stop doing” here: stopdoing (that will be a good start for many companies to focus on new thinks to do). Jim Collins is the author of one...
Read More- 2 februari 2006
Jim Carrey shows a lost America
In his new movie does actor Jim Carrey shows a lost America. Jim is world-class comedians so he is allow to show and say what never ells today could be made in an American...
Read More- 31 januari 2006
Nokia: How mobile phones can connect people with more than words
The Finnish company Nokia is a global market leader in mobile phones. The company has both strong technical development and is well-connected with other developers around the world. But what about their connection with...
Read More- 27 januari 2006
Putting the customer in the driver’s seat
When Caesar’s army landed on the British Isles, he knew he had to motivate his troops more than usual. He ordered all the boats burned before the soldiers’ eyes. By the light of the...
Read More- 25 januari 2006
Watch Indian space management going trough the roof
To save space in a shoe shop in Bombay, they throw down and up the shoes trough a hole in the roof. It gives entertainment for costumers and safe space in the shop. It...
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