- 4 januari 2006
Unwisely used technology can easily become a company’s guillotine
Gillette has also planted an RFID in some of its products and you may just get an email from your razor in the near future telling you that you need a shave. This isn’t...
Read More- 2 januari 2006
History and future as ONE
Never before have the 1970s been so fully documented in television, music and fashion. It is in my opinion the most important time in modern history. It is full of humour and craziness. Therefore...
Read More- 31 december 2005
ONE new multi billion business idea for the war industry to work for peace and profit 2006
Bono has become a rock & roll angel that not only sings; he makes a difference in the world.But what if he should talk more with the devil in his struggle in the Evil...
Read More- 30 december 2005
How ONE is the fashion industry?
Did ask Jack Yan an fashion expert in New Zeeland and also the founder of an international fast growing fashion magazine Lucire and CEO, JY&A Consulting . This question: How ONE is the fashion...
Read More- 29 december 2005
Made in fans
In the post “Extreme Customer Evangelism” gives a good example of how fans are producing new episodes of Star Trek. Instead of Made in China ore Made in company it is now Made in...
Read More- 23 december 2005
Most brands are as real as a plastic Christmas tree
They don’t communicate to your senses and give you the real Christmas feeling of memories and happiness. Christmas tree should and could smell Christmas. Brands that don’t like to be like a fake plastic...
Read More- 21 december 2005
UD-grodorna (fort…)
This blog post is in Swedish (an exception). De kritiska rösterna runt UD höjs för var dag. Det har nu övergått att bli en egen ”Regeringssåpa” utan slut. B-skådisarna i huvudrollerna saknar ofta empatisk...
Read More- 19 december 2005
Here is 500 million pictures
Ditto a webpage with 500 million pictures, check it out.Please find me ONE picture where consumers can see them self in the company.
Read More- 18 december 2005
If you plant rice you harvest rice; you can’t sit around waiting for tomatoes
To make it more likely that a company can sow the right seeds of consumption, the company should make those seeds part of the offer. Naturally, there must be something in the offer for...
Read More- 16 december 2005
Free question that will workout the relation bee twin: Creativity vs. profit
I did hold a full day workshop in creativity for OMD in Dubai yesterday. In the audience there was about 50 passionate persons from Algeria, Tunisian, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, and Oman and...
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