- 20 september 2005
Consumer rules in the kingdom of business!
Bad news has a tendency to travel fast like it did for Kryptonite, Intel and others. But do corporations learn and listen? The trail and error learning seem to be not working. Why don’t...
Read More- 20 september 2005
Killing costumer is good business for lawyer
The giant Drug manufacturer Merch has managed to both kill their customers with the drug Vioxx and get sued by the victims’ relatives for billions of dollars. This is not the first case or...
Read More- 20 september 2005
Can you see yourself in today’s brands or products?
Mirrors have always been part of our lives, first as water and later as manufactured products from the 16th century on. Back then, people were only too happy to pay for the privilege of...
Read More- 20 september 2005
Why companies should not pick a fight with consumer power
The world is becoming a fairer place for consumers who are finding that, thanks to digital technology, they now have a much easier time making themselves heard. Consumers are forcing companies to be more...
Read More- 19 september 2005
Your source for positive consumer power
The power of the consumer is stronger than ever. Yet, the gap between what a company promises and what consumers experience has never been larger. Consumer power makes or breaks companies. The purpose of...
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