Crush It with Gary Vaynerchuk

Some people you meet, stick in to your mind, Gary Vaynerchuk got that kind of unique personality. Did meet him at Gulltaggen where he hold a great speech (see photo). I read his book Crush It and it got the same stick it flavor. Basically the book is about his journey to greatness and life choices he done (I have to double credit his parents for giving us this nature talented speed machine).

The book got me to reinvent the way I think about social media.
Here is my best take a way:
• No one else got my DNA.
• Getting people to talk is the whole point.
• Lots of people can play piano, but not everyone can be Billy Joel.
• You have to think about building your brand in terms of a marathon, not a sprint.
• Creating community is about starting conversations.
• Being willing and able to adapt and change.
• Get a fire under the brand.

Read sample chapter (pdf) for free of Crush It.

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