Go beyond Web 3.0

Traditional the Internet, with its screen and keyboard, is old news and an old user experience. Entire regions go online without computers – it’s all about mobile phones. This changes everything from a business point of view and opens up new opportunities for advertising to become a direct part of the actual consumption. Today’s advertising budgets are quite small compared with the total amounts spent on consumption in general. The retail and packaging sectors don’t have the ad industry’s visibility and flashy awards ceremonies, but they produce much more in revenues.
There are enormous amounts of innovation and creativity in all areas that lead directly to high sales figures. For example, the Smurfit Kappa Group is a cardboard manufacturing company that has sales of over €7 billion, results that speak for themselves. In time, the boxes themselves will actually talk to us as well – they have already more or less perfected a paper material that will store sound! A musician I know who has been having trouble getting his music heard listened to my advice that he should set his sights on becoming the first singing cardboard box. It now looks like he has succeeded in getting his voice “on paper” and the next time you open a magazine you may very well hear Anthony Mills voice.
These sorts of technological changes mean that the advertising industry must enter new areas such as R&D to give them more channels and better communication potential from the very beginning for packaging, paper and other products. As for mobile technology, these sorts of solutions make it easy to track the result of advertising and make it viable for communicators and ad agencies to work on some sort of commission basis.

By broadening your picture of what advertising is, advertising budgets will increase. In the digital
universe, half the advertising is never wasted.