In the success television series Lost, did there airplane land near an island. It is practical for an emergency landing to bee done on water, but most time there is no an island to land near. Here is an solution that may sound a bit creasy, but not close as creasy as it sounded once upon a time when the idea of flying was first spoken about.
Why doesn’t most standard airplane float?
It does look like a boat to me. Is there a way to make it float? Well sense airplane builder Boeing is open there brand with a blog; here is some ideas to let their brand float.
• Build in a gigantic airbag around the airplane… that blowup in water.
• Build in a gigantic zipper inside of the ceiling to open the roof with. Then when it is open the airplane has become a catamaran (maybe the fasted in the world?).
• It would could make it easier to find the black box, and better for the sea and for the costumers to have their baggage with them when they check in on the beach…
• Here is an al American potential partner for Boeing to make the gigantic Zipper with, they are called Zipperstop and are saying that they have “Unzipping America since 1941” with “Satisfying customers around the world” (well it could not sound more fun). Boeing could have a meeting with their boss Jeff, don’t miss his photo here.
I hope that Boeing open their blog for wild ideas like this ONE, so we al can float in the water and on Internet.