Last evening on Swedish Television did show a shocking documentary called Granskning (checkup). It was about the Swedish retail super brand ICA. It was more than shocking that the pictures were from safe, clean Sweden. It did show how they systematically repacked meat that was old into new packed. Even the film showed when they dropped meat on the floor they still sold it. Old meet that smell badly did they do meat loaf on.
The same evening was a tribe group created on against ICA. Only in Sweden there is over 500.000 people involved as members in Facebook.
I did wrote an article for about ICA and the market situation back in 2003:
Sweden’s three dominant players, ICA, COOP and Axfood, account for about 90 percent of food retailing nationwide. Similar in offerings, ICA (a unit of the sinking Dutch-based international food retailer Ahold) hit upon an interesting concept to differentiate itself while still immersing the consumer in its products and services.
It doesn’t make any sense to me to pay millions to build a brand then kill it with greed. I have to say that the reporter of the documentary is Janne Josefsson he is a classic scandal reporter, who know how to deliver his point. His victims often have a body langue that looks like a video of Mchammer “U Can’t Touch This,” but Janne did touch the ICA. They don’t understand that their greed only results in making meat loaf of their super brand.
“who know how” ska det vara! (istället för “how know how” …) rätta snarast!
Thanks, know I now!