I watched Inception. It could have been a master movie but its clear that Hollywood really need some new talent. For some while ago I got an request to be sort of “marketing advisor” in a big movie production – it could have been a fun to do consulting for more than a year – here they should have done the movie (secret witch movie it was). But after watching Inception I understand that the problem is not to ad ore spice up an boring movie with some marketing creative ideas. It is better to ad good talented people from the beginning, next time I will recommend them to hire Malcolm Gladwell he is extremely good in telling a story so you want to spread it – it sticks in the audience mind and like his book it is so genius smart put together that you have to tell your friends.
Watch the trailer, Hollywood’s talent today is only enough to produce trailers (I am not the only wane to criticize their lack of creativity – here is Swedish Fredrik Strage article).