Here is a new full page about my latest book in a well respected magazine in Mexico Merca2.0. Download it here as a PDF (translation). In Mexico the PR industry is positive to the content of my new book but in Sweden there is a divided debate going on which is growing bigger each day. Here is one of the latest debate articles: “Vad är pr, Stefan Engeseth?” (translation). I do understand that my book title is a little proactive for the PR industry: ”The Fall of PR and the Rise of Advertising.”
But Swedes are extremely innovative so I think this hot debate will lead us into a lot of positive changes (some of those who earn big money today might be in panic, but that is normal when change arrives). Future is however based on tomorrow and not history! In other words marketing and the business models of today is turning upside down.
2 reaktioner på ”Merca2.0 writes about the fall of PR”
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Sweden seems to be acting in a more wounded fashion than I imagined, when in fact it should embrace this call for re-evaluation and change. It is an opportunity to engage more with clients and the public, for example. You never attack the PR industry outright, as the Swedish profession seems to think, but you are pointing out areas where PR activity has saturated the market and that can hardly build brands.
Thanks Jack, good points. It is also interesting to compare Swedish fashion, everyone can see it and its an success. PR was invisible and now when people see their was dress brands, its out of fashion…