Every wear there is a full day marketing seminar in Sweden called Tendency day. It is full of speakers from around the world. In Sweden we like fun speakers but if they don’t deliver “value for business” they fit better at the local pub. A speaker that delivered business values was Niku Banaie from Naked Communications. His massage was clear: We al need to change because the world is changing. Common sense would most people say but this day many of the traditional branding gurus was confused by the fact that the world is changing. Mass communication is not working for our client did the traditional branding gurus say. And for the first time al of them did not talk about building brands instead they where focusing on doing business with branding. The reason is that their clients don’t pay for traditional thinking in a time that needs creative thinking. I think they have to change fast ore next time find a local pub…
Thanks to Niku for making this years Tendency day more naked than dress with bad bullxxxx.