Product + body = Axbo a wakeup for technology

Axbo is an alarm clock that wakes you when you’re body is ready. It is connected to your body and has a function that is interesting:

“With aXbo you can wake up in your optimal sleeping phase which is identified by a unique wake-up algorithm based on body movements.”

There are so many products coming out now that are connected to consumer’s body becoming ONE = “product+body”. Like “Nike+iPod” and others, this is a good way to take customize products to the next level. How can this be develop for cars, airplane and apartment? When will some offer the Axbo alarm clock for free if they can waken consumers with their sponsored brand?

1 reaktion på ”Product + body = Axbo a wakeup for technology”

  1. Philips have also a smart solution. It’s an alarmclock with a daylight lamp.

    You set the time you want to wake up, and the light will start 30 minutes before the time you have set. You can wake up to only the light, light+sound or light+radio.

    The morning light has a positive effect on your hormons, so you’ll feel much better when waking up.

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