Did order books that out of print at Amazon but they did got it in the used section. One of them arrived in perfect condition from:
World of Books recycles books on behalf of charities and makes a contribution of around 10% of its turnover on an annual basis.
Really great idea, charities with books. I have to many books (they have taken over my apartment).
Why not make it 100% to charity?
Here is how it could work:
1. Work with an famous charity brand.
2. Put an empty shopping basket outside my door.
3. Pick it up and empty it in a book-bus.
4. Connect me with the result you achieve – so I can buzz about it (ore give me four empty baskets to my nab-ours).
5. Make me buy some of the books you sell so I can give them back again.
Hi there!
I actually work for World of Books, (we are in the process of launching a new website). Thanks for the blog post. We would love to be able to give 100% to charities, but there are huge amounts of costs involved in this sort of operation. Although over the last few years we have raised over £2.5 million pounds for charity!
Best wishes
World of Books
Hi World of Books,
£2.5 million pounds to charity is impressive, reading and responding to my blog post is also impressive and humble.
Every charity organization has costs. Giving 10% is more than a good start it is great.
Maybe you could you make books become: The meaning of life?
Best wishes
Stefan Engeseth