- 23 september 2019
Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 23 September 2019
1. Call to action: Homo Stupido at Publishizer (video) 2. Video clip from panel debate at Almedalen 2019 3. It’s not just the thought that counts 4. You can only grow and scale your...
Read More- 19 augusti 2019
Call to action: Homo Stupido at Publishizer (video)
My upcoming book, Homo Stupido is on Publishizer, a crowd-publishing platform that matches me directly with publishers. I have been working many years on this book dream, I hope you join me on this...
Read More- 9 augusti 2019
You can only grow and scale your business as fast as you grow and scale yourself
You can only grow and scale your business as fast as you grow and scale yourself. Mark Thompson, Keynote Speaker, Besselling Author
Read More- 11 juli 2019
Video clip from panel debate at Almedalen 2019
Topic: How can we make Sweden the best in the World’s Global Development Department?Panelists:•Håkan Dahlström, Managing Partner, Tieto•Ann-Marie Rosendahl, CEO, Digital Business Development•Joakim Appelquist, Deputy Director General, Vinnova•Helena Jerregård, Vice-Provost for Collaboration, Mälardalen University•Henrik...
Read More- 9 juli 2019
Host at the Scandinavian International Fashion Week
I had the honor to be host, with Sofia, at a magical fashion show in Stockholm City Hall. It was a like a seeing a fashion journey from around the world. Scandinavian International Fashion...
Read More- 24 juni 2019
It’s not just the thought that counts
It’s not just the thought that counts. iPeter Ahnell, DNB
Read More- 21 juni 2019
It may sound childish to have fun, but the fact is that fun is also what drives change
It may sound childish to have fun, but the fact is that fun is also what drives change.
Read More- 17 juni 2019
Updating 70.000 words in my ONE book
Often I am asked: “is it hard to write a book?” My answer is always the same: “It’s like running a marathon, you only have to take the first step and start running.” Now...
Read More- 28 maj 2019
Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 28 May 2019
1. How technology can solve overconsumption and save the planet 2. Many of the old organizations will die soon (if they haven’t died already) 3. Genetic differences are the drivers of innovation and evolution...
Read More- 23 maj 2019
Who actually owns the brand – the customers or the company?
Who actually owns the brand – the customers or the company? Quote from my ONE book
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