The AMV BBDO Police case was steeling the show at The Guldnyckeln Award

Yesterday I attended The Guldnyckeln Award arranged by SWEDMA (Swedish Direct Marketing Association). The day was sold out and full of inspiring speakers but I have to say that speaker Tom White, Strategic Director AMW BBDO was stealing the show with their award winning case for the Police in UK. The campaign was targeting attitudes regarding knife crime. They found the key success factor – getting young people to think before they act. It was so well executed that the whole campaign felt criminal (in a good way).

Another speaker that made success was Tomas Bennich fonder of Sweden mobile association, who fueled us up with his passion for mobile marketing with good cases as and iButterfly.

The Swedish agency Pool won the most prestigefull prices of this evenings award. Maybe they should work with the Swedish POOLice?

Credit to the the moderators of the day Mikael von Ekensteen and Josephine Bornebusch and event producer Meetmaster.