The Google city is born

I have been writing for years about an idea I got to built a city named after Google. I called it Google Downtown. I even talked with Google’s Global CEO, Eric Schmidt about it this summer. Google is a cool company with good attitude. I hope this will be an reality in my life time (a city is more than a name).

Topeka ‘renames’ itself ‘Google, Kansas’:


Last month, Google announced plans to sell 1 gigabit-per-second fiber optic broadband to consumers. The plan called for it to be rolled out to no fewer than 50,000 homes in the initial test, and maybe as many as 500,000, but didn’t specify where it would be rolled-out. Topeka, Kansas wants in. Bad.

So bad that….

Mayor Bill Bunten on Monday issued a proclamation changing the name — unofficially — of Topeka to Google for the month of March to bolster efforts to encourage the corporation to place a pilot high-speed Internet system in the city.

Even at this level video and at

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  2. Pingback: En stad som heter Google | iBengt – Bengt Jönsson

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