Recently I attended a lecture with Communications Director Merci Olsson at National Geographic Europe. Merci used to work for The Nobel Prize which was established in 1901. National Geographic was established 1888 which makes it older than the Nobel Prize. And Merci is much younger than the brands she works for.
In the lecture I got the impression that Mother nature is still a teenager. The reason is that with new technology and innovations, we can and are discovering more than ever before (history, future, water and everything else in the DNA of Mother nature).
National Geographic is a strong brand that reaches 615 million people every month and has 30 million fans engaged in social media. On their brand platforms they share Mother nature’s beauty through the pictures taken by world class photographers who are ready to catch Mother Nature’s DNA in every frame. I do not know who designed their logo but it’s one of the most useful and smartest I have ever seen. It is designed as a frame that frames the world into a smart package we can consume. In other words, everything is in the yellow frame of National Geographic. I think Merci and her colleagues will make this package more useful for more people to connect within their brand.
In my picture frame you see from the left Executive Director Joakim Mörnefält, National Geographic. Communications Director Merci Olsson at National Geographic Europe. CEO Francesca O’Brien Apelgren, The Marketing Association in Stockholm (organized this well framed seminar).